
Stand-out FX option expiries for the week ahead

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July 12 (Reuters) -The cash hedging of soon-to-expire FX option strikes can have a magnetic effect on FX price action and add to nearby support/resistance. There are some huge strikes worth noting for Friday, July 12, and for the week ahead.

Stand-out EUR/USD strike expiries are on Monday at 1.0800 on 2.1 billion euros, between 1.0815-30 on 3.5 billion euros, 1.0850 on 1.1 billion euros, 1.0895-1.0900 on 4.6 billion euros and between 1.0915-30 on 2-billion euros. Tuesday has 2.5 billion euros at 1.0900 and Thursday has 3.5 billion euros between 1.0880 and 1.0900.

USD/CHF strike expiries are on Tuesday at 0.8900-15 on $825 million, 0.9000 on $553 million and 0.9030 on $455 million. Friday has strikes at 0.8800 on $680 million, 0.8950 on $402 million and 0.9075 on $750 million. Look out for EUR/CHF strikes expiring on Thursday at 0.9700 on 430 million euros and at 0.9750 on 913 million euros.

The largest GBP/USD strikes expire on Thursday at 1.2925 on 525 million pounds and at 1.2975 on 875 million pounds. Friday has a 1.2850 strike expiry on 645 million pounds. EUR/GBP strike expiries are on Monday at 0.8400 on 706 million euros and between 0.8445-60 on 2.1 billion euros. Tuesday has 0.8400 strikes expiring on 730 million euros and Friday has 0.8375 strikes on 806 million euros.

EUR/SEK strike expiries are on Tuesday at 11.50 on 763 million euros and in EUR/NOK on Monday at 11.6350 on 1.1 billion euros.

Stand-out AUD/USD strike expiries are on Monday at 0.6750 on A$1 billion, Tuesday between 0.6800-20 on A$1-billion, Thursday at 0.6800 on A$1.1 billion and on Friday at 0.6765 on A$1.4 billion and 0.6850-55 on A$926 million. The largest NZD/USD strike expires on Wednesday at 0.6040 on NZ$ 500 million. AUD/NZD strike expiries are on Tuesday at 1.1000 and 1.1050 on A$400 million each and on Thursday at 1.1000 on A$554 million.

If USD/JPY stays around current levels then the strikes most likely to factor expire on Monday at 158.00 on $1 billion and 160.50 on $1.4 billion. Tuesday between 159.20-35 on $1.4 billion and Wednesday at 158.50 on $1.3 billion. Thursday has 158.00 strikes expiring on $1.9 billion, 159.50 on $823 million and at 161.00 on $1.7 billion.

For more click on FXBUZ

($1 = 0.9187 euros)

EUR/USD FX option strikes due to expire July 12-19 https://tmsnrt.rs/4bEGh0v

(Richard Pace is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own)


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