
Colombia needs a natgas strategy soon to avoid blackouts, analyst say

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By Marianna Parraga and Oliver Griffin

HOUSTON/BOGOTA, Sept 19 (Reuters) -Colombia must decide soon whether to focus on imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) or encourage domestic output of natural gas if it wants to avoid power blackouts, consultancyWood Mackenzie's head of Americas Gas and LNG said on Thursday.

Under leftist President Gustavo Petro, Colombia has moved away from fracking to develop its reserves of shale crude and gas. Earlier this month, a judge at a court in the city of Santa Marta ordered the suspension of work at a key offshore gas project by state-controlled Ecopetrol ECO.CN and Brazil's Petrobras PETR4.SA.

The two strategies are seen critical to secure gas supplies to feed the country's utilities and its industrial sectors in the coming years, according to experts.

"The Guajira (onshore gas) fields will continue that steep (output) decline. And if you play a scenario where you have a dry hydrology without domestic gas supplies, you will eventually be in a situation facing a risk of blackouts," Wood Mackenzie's Mauro Chavez told Reuters in an interview on the sidelines of the Gastech conference in Houston.

Absent incentives and authorizations to encourage domestic gas output, the country is expected to be forced to expand its capacity to receive LNG imports, which would require the construction of an additional regasification terminal that is not yet in plans and to secure supply contracts, he added.

"The country has to decide whether to rely on imports of LNG... or really support the domestic production," he said.

Ecopetrol, Colombian government ministries and Petrobras "have joined together to appeal the judge's decision and be able to restart the activities," Ecopetrol CEO Ricardo Roa said in a video message shared with journalists on Thursday.

"This discovery is key to guaranteeing the country's energy security," Roa added.

The suspension at the Tayrona exploratory offshore block was ruled as the court found the companies had failed to properly consult a local indigenous community about the operation.

The Uchuva-2 well that was suspended is an important hope for Colombia's dwindling gas reserves, which closed last year at 2.4 trillion cubic feet, equivalent to 6.1 years of consumption, the government's National Hydrocarbons Association reported.

The project's potential reserves are equivalent to 2.5 times Colombia's current reserves.

Reporting by Marianna Parraga and Georgina McCartney in Houston, and Oliver Griffin in Bogota
Editing by Marguerita Choy


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