
FX options reveal the true risk of more JPY intervention

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June 25 (Reuters) -USD/JPY is threatening to retest the 160.24 peak which initiated the first of two bouts of official intervention on April 29 and May 1, but price action in forward-looking JPY-related FX options is different this time.

When USD/JPY eventually broke above the prior intervention peak from October 2022 at 151.94 on April 10, 2024, there was a big reaction in FX option markets. Implied volatility traded significantly higher and its premium for JPY calls over puts, the right to buy JPY versus sell it, followed suit. There was also a surge in demand for outright JPY call options that would protect against any sharp, intervention-driven USD/JPY drop.

The benchmark 1-month expiry USD/JPY implied volatility increased significantly from 7.8 to 11.7 between the 152.00 break on April 10, to the intervention-led drop from 160.25 on April 29. One-month expiry 25 delta risk reversals saw their JPY call over put implied volatility premium increase from 0.5 to 1.9.

This time however, USD/JPY implied volatility gains are less significant. The 1-month expiry contract is up from 7.5 to 9.1 over the last week (now 8.6). But, most importantly, downside risk premiums on risk reversals have actually fallen. In fact, the 1-month USD/JPY 25 delta risk reversal is around the 0.6 setback lows posted after the last intervention had already taken place.

The positive USD/JPY spot/implied volatility correlation, combined with a current lack of implied volatility premium/demand for JPY calls over puts on risk reversals, would suggest two things. 1. There's limited fear of a sudden USD/JPY drop (intervention). 2. The market is more wary of increased FX volatility/further FX gains if USD/JPY can break above the prior intervention peak.

For more click on FXBUZ

USD/JPY 1-month expiry FXO implied volatility https://tmsnrt.rs/4eCM5KD

1-month USD/JPY 25 delta risk reversal https://tmsnrt.rs/45F3sqg

(Richard Pace is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own)


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